Typical Archery,157-1

by Karl Mackowiak
(Genesee County )

I had this big buck on camera a month before my encounter with him on November 3, and thought I'd never see him again. Decided to hunt a stand that my good friend, Dylan and I put up which he usually he hunts. However, on that day, I was off from work and he could not make it out.

With his blessing, I headed into the woods, late I might add, and hustled to the stand. Finally got all set up, and pulled out my phone to see what time it was and felt discouraged because it was already 7:30 AM.

Just as I saw the time, I heard a noise and a nice 8pt stepped out to my left approximately 100 yards away. I bleated at it twice and it started heading right to me. Got my bow and then I heard a noise back to my right and out stepped the big guy 35 to 40 yards crossing in front of me!! I was at 3/4 drawn when of course it looks at me. All of a sudden, the big guy looks at the 8pt approaching and put all of his attention on the 8 pt. ready to fight.

I drew back completely and picked out a clear spot to shoot. When he stepped into my lane, I let it go! The deer took off running and I couldn't see him any more. Then he let out the loudest grunt I've ever heard. This whole time I knew it was a big buck but never looked at the antlers or at least can't remember looking. Probably a good thing.

I got down to look for my arrow and or blood and found nothing. But I can see his tracks in the leaves turned up. Followed the tracks and there he was, laying there. I hid behind a tree to make sure he had expired. When confirmed, I approached the deer.

I think I yelled something out that I can't repeat. By 7:50 AM, I had gotten the biggest buck of my life. It was a 15pt. buck weighing well over 200 lbs. I called for help because I could not drag him. With help of some other good friends, we got him back to camp and celebrated. Many thanks to my good friend Dylan for his excitement for me and brotherhood!
Officially, it scored typical 157-1 with a gross score of 185-7 and has been submitted for entry. Taken 11/3/2023

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